Norman’s success story August 2022

We don’t post about every single dog that we help, especially if it has been a quick reunite where we have not had to do a lost dog poster. This was from one lost dog owner who we helped for a quick reunite:

“I’d like to say a massive thank you to Michelle Newns-peers and the Greater Manchester Lost Dog Search & Rescue Capture Team. Whilst we were on holiday I had a message off the dog sitter we had Norman booked in with saying that he’d managed to get out of the house and had been missing for several hours 😢. Being all the way in Montenegro there was very little I thought I could do to help. I managed to speak to someone who put me in contact with the lady above 👆🏻 and she was able to share some very valuable guidance and strategies 👍🏻. She quickly responded to my plea for help and had rounded up some volunteers who were ready to start the hunt for Norman and track him down. We we’re very lucky that with her advice Norman made his way back to the dog sitter at 3am all well and safe 🐕🥰. I can not tell you how relieved we were to hear that her advice had worked and we can not thank her enough. Greater Manchester Lost Dog Search & Rescue Capture Team are a voluntary organisation who work as a team to return lost pets back to their owners and we are truly grateful for their help.🐕🥰

If a dog becomes lost, even if the dog is staying at a dog boarders or friends/relative, ensure that they have their house door open. Lost dogs use what information they have, what they know. If lost far away from home they will try to go back to where they ran from.