Late at night, on 22 August 2020, Chicco, a chihuahua, fled from his new owner’s friend’s house in Bury, BL9 (an area where he had never been before). We immediately offered assistance and went straight out there with the thermal scope to try to locate him. Sadly, after 4 hours, we had searched the immediate area with the scope and there was no sign of him. We set the humane trap up at Chicco’s owner’s friend’s house just in case he came back.
The following morning, as I was with her, his owner received a call that he had been seen approximately 1 mile away near to the motorway. We immediately headed over there where I managed to find him with the thermal scope in a very large garden. I talked his owner what to do so she could get hold of him which was for her to sit down on the ground, with no eye contact and no speaking, and throw some small pieces of food towards him, gradually getting him to come nearer and nearer to her where he would then recognise her (lost dogs don’t recognise their owners when lost until they are in very close proximity to them). Chicco soon recognised her (even though he had only been with his new owner for a few days) and went straight to her and into her arms. Stay safe Chicco and welcome home.