Gus’ success story August 2022

Gus, a foreign rescue dog, escaped on Friday 19 August 2022 in Rossendale. On Sunday we became involved and set up a feed station with remote cameras in a garden where Gus had been seen visiting a couple of times. Gus’ rescue came, travelling over 2 hours, and walked around with the dogs that Gus was bonded to and Gus’ fosterer, hoping to attract him but it was not to be. Luckily Gus was still in the immediate area and on Sunday night he appeared on camera feeding.
Pat and I set the supertrap up yesterday afternoon and at 23:16 Gus appeared at the trap sniffing around. 7 minutes later the food got the better of him and he entered the trap. We got there immediately, along with Gus’ owners and transferred Gus to the crate. Gus was very happy to see his owners despite only being with them for 4 days and when his owners went to retrieve the crate Gus gave Pat kisses and his paw. So lovely to see as foreign rescue dogs particularly when trapped are very scared initially. Gus has obviously found his forever home 😍. An all round team effort with ourselves, Gus’ owners and his rescue.
A big thank you to the owners of the gardens where we gained permission to place cameras and the trap. Without this permission it would have made this more difficult.