Jamie’s Success Story October 2023

Jamie, a very nervous Bulgarian rescue dog, had only been in the country and adopted for one month when he became lost in Hopwood Woods, Middleton, Rochdale, M24 on Friday 20 October. His owner contacted us late that night and asked us to help.
On Saturday, we printed posters and lent owner laminators so posters could go up immediately. There had been a few sightings immediately after he became lost but the sightings stopped until later on Saturday. We thermalled the area and set up a feed station with a live camera and a scent trail leading to the food, hoping to get Jamie eating there. Once a lost dog finds food they always come back looking for more so the plan was to place a humane trap there if he turned up.
Jamie didn’t show on Saturday but on Sunday he found the food and had a good feed. He turned up a few times after that but then we had reports of him running on the nearby main road. Thankfully, shortly after that he showed himself back at the feed station.
Jamie’s owner sat in the car with the engine running and saw Jamie a few times but he didn’t go near the car. She sat outside the car with warm food but, although she saw Jamie, he didn’t approach. This is normal for a lost dog and especially nervous rescue dogs.
Today, we set up the humane trap where Jamie had fed. And at 17:12 he turned up, circled the trap a few times and entered it. We had lots of very appetising food in there including roast chicken and Jamie just couldn’t resist it. At 17:15 the trap door shut and Jamie was safe 💙. His owner and ourselves were parked nearby and his owner went to the trap where Jamie instantly recognised her and was very happy to see her. It was a lovely happy reunion 😍. Welcome home beautiful boy 💙.