Violet, a female dachshund, went missing from a walk in Reddish Vale, Stockport, Manchester, on Friday 27 January. She was seen to run off then somebody saw her at the side of the main road. Her owner asked people to help search and they searched for most of the day. A drone went out too but no sightings of her.
We were contacted by her owner on Friday night and asked to help. A search party was being organised for the following morning but I advised Violet’s owner to not go ahead with this because Violet could have been pushed away from the area or onto the roads, railway and motorway which were all in close proximity to where Violet had run from.
We advised her owner that Violet needed to settle and the main thing that needed doing at that point was postering the area. Nick went out and placed a live camera at her home (thank you Nick) in case she made her way back (it was possible as only a couple of miles away from where lost). Highways Agency (motorways), Network Rail, local vets, the council, dog warden and microchip company were contacted.
Nick also put a feed station near to where she ran from with a live camera and thermal scoped the area but she was not seen. There were no sightings reported. Violet was wearing an Apple tag which alerts her owner where she is if she runs off. Sadly the tag stopped working shortly after Violet went missing.
Today, her owner received an alert on her phone and it pinpointed where Violet was. The alert had been set off unknowingly by someone walking past where she was but was dated yesterday. Nobody knows how she managed to get the alert because the Apple tag was out of charge. Somebody up there was looking out for Violet
. Violet’s owner and her friend immediately rushed to where the alert had pinpointed but they couldn’t see her. This was at the side of the river. As they looked along the river banking they spotted Violet under a overhang at the side of the river! Luckily the river wasn’t deep at that spot and her owner waded through the river to the other side where a very happy reunion took place

Violet has been to the vets and is absolutely fine. She is now home with her family and all are very very happy
. Welcome home beautiful girl